Welcome to the Ghana Project/Key of Hope Ministries!

August 31, 2011

It is with a sad heart that I am closing this ministry; as of a week ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and cannot at this time continue this. Thank you SO MUCH to all of you who have participated in any way to the blessings of this ministry. May the Lord continue to bless you as you bless others.

In Christ;

Pam (aka: Grammie Pammie)


October, 2014

One of you lovely readers asked about my health now – it is now 3 years after my cancer surgeries and I’m doing GREAT! The oncologist (cancer doctor) took me off the preventative medicine 2 1/2 years early because my ‘numbers’ were so good. It took about 6 months after that before I began to feel like my ‘old self’ again, but now I’m back! Although I am no longer knitting afghans, I’m keeping busy knitting baby hats for our local hospital, chemo caps for my cancer center, baby blankets for our local veterans hospital baby showers, and scarves for four local homeless warming centers – so I’m keeping BUSY! Thanks to all of you; hoping this site helps you to continue knitting, perhaps for charity. Hugs;




This ministry was started in April, 2007 and 300 afghans were delivered to needy patients in Ghana, Ethiopia, Sierre Leone and Durban, S. Africa.


Although I really don’t like to have to do this, I’m asking that you NOT send squares at this time (12/2010) as I am the only one sewing them into afghans and I’m overwhelmed with your generosity – too many squares! Thank you to all who have made squares; I will post again when I need more squares. THANK YOU SO MUCH!


“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” Colossians 3:23-24 (NKJV)

First Ghana Afghan

This site is devoted to what I’ve called: “The Ghana Project”; a ministry to severely crippled children in Ghana who are about to undergo surgeries to correct their spinal disorders. Each year dedicated doctors, nurses, physical therapists and others make trips to Ghana to perform surgeries on these children. The patients do not pay anything, even the ones from Sierra Leone or Ethiopia, someone raises the money to transport them. Most of the patients from Ghana and the other countries have significant financial issues. My goal is to be able to give these children afghans which have been constructed from squares donated by many generous people who either knit or crochet. These afghans are constructed from 7 inch by 7 inch knitted or crocheted squares; 30 squares making up one afghan.

Key of Hope Ministry added: Oct., 2008 (see heading “Afghan Count” for a more detailed explanation).

Our first afghan recipient: Caleb (on the afghan); April, 2007, and (from left: the physical therapist, his Father, Brother, and Mother (click on photo to enlarge)

Photo of Caleb

How This All Came About:

In March, 2007 my son and I visited his Scoliosis (Definition: “Scoliosis: a side-to-side curvature of the spine/ backbone”) doctor for a re-check. The head nurse, Bettye Wright, saw me knitting and said: “I’ve got a project for you!” She then proceeded to explain her involvement in a trip she and many other doctors, nurses and therapists make twice a year to Ghana. They go there to help young children through surgeries to correct severe spinal deformities. Her vision is to be able to give these children a blanket/afghan as a “Security Blanket” to ease them through the traumas of undergoing major surgery. These children come from various backgrounds but most travel many miles – they NEED something ‘special/personal’ to cling to, hence the “Ghana Project”. Ms. Wright is one of the dedicated people who make this trip twice a year and she is willing to transport these afghans for us. She is part of the group who heads up the whole surgery project; please see their website for a better idea of this whole undertaking:



Where do YOU Come into this Picture?

This project is a combination of various people’s knitted or crocheted efforts, sewn together into afghans which are given to these children as a love gift. If you can knit or crochet, we need you!

The Basic Directions:
Knit or crochet one, (or more) 7 inch by 7 inch square(s) of any yarns . (Personally, I use 4-ply acrylic and size 10 knitting needles, but whatever you are comfortable with is great.) Please leave at least a 14 inch ‘tail’ at the beginning and end of each square, as I will be using these to sew the squares together. A completed afghan measures 36″ X 50″ with crocheted border. Check out the section “Patterns-Knit Squares” in this blog for ideas on stitches and needle sizes.

I want to thank you, in advance, for your interest in this undertaking. I know that the children will be blessed with your help and I am thrilled to share this ministry with you.

Sincerely, In Christ;


The Very First Afghan Sent to Ghana!

8/1/08  Afghan #100!

8/1/08 Afghan #100!

Grammie Pammie



October, 2008

Please see the heading:
“Afghan Count” for a thorough explanation of this new addition to my ministry. I am thrilled to be able to spread the blessing of these afghans to more needy children!



3/16/08 Here is another patient, Hana, with one of our afghans

Below is a quote from an email I received from Bettye Wright, the head nurse who transports these afghans to Ghana for the project. She wrote:

“Thank you so much, you cannot know how much these afghans mean to these patients, especially the ones that come to Ghana from other countries, without parents or anything familiar, the language is different, the food is different and we are all strangers, and to have something to cuddle with, that is all theirs, is very special. When I took Hanna back to Ethiopia she traveled via Ethiopian airlines with hers, all of the flight attendants loved the story about you and your group. God will bless you richly for the service you are doing.”


A few months ago I ran into a quote which I thought sums up how I feel about this whole project: “We are not asked to do all of God’s work in this world, just the work we CAN do.” (Mother Theresa). She put into words how I feel: I’m not a surgeon, a doctor, a nurse-I don’t have the abilities to help these severely crippled children, but I CAN do something I know how to do: knit afghans that just might comfort them during their infirmities and for that I thank the Lord. Thanks for being a part of this effort.

The Ghana Team left Nov. 4-18th, 2007; volunteer surgeons from Norway, Spain, India, Canary Islands, Italy and the USA went on this trip, along with volunteers from Michigan, New York, Virginia, and Norway. It’s wonderful to know that all of our completed afghans went along to bless hurting children who need a little something ‘homemade’ to comfort them. Once again, THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!

THIS DOES NOT MEAN “The Ghana Project” is done!
The project continues! These teams of surgeons, volunteers and others makes 2 trips a year to Ghana to perform these surgeries. This just means that we begin ‘another phase’ of creating more afghans for more needy, hurting children!


November, 2007 shipment of 29 afghans:

27 completed afghans, Oct. 2007click on photo to enlarge


Latest count on completed afghans:

We now have sent a total of 79 afghans to Ghana! See the heading: “Afghan Count” for the current totals on completed afghans.



51 afghans completed and sent to Durban S. Africa for the “Key of Hope” ministry.



August 18, 2011 

Afghan #300!

Although I am not currently receiving squares, I’m still sewing them together into afghans.  It’s been a long time coming, but finally I’ve reached the goal of 300 afghans. I will continue to sew the squares I have together and will post when I can, again, receive new squares. Thank you to all of you who have sent squares in the past!


Filed under Basic Instructions, Charity Knitting, crochet, Durban, Ghana, knitting, knitting stitches, South Africa

46 responses to “Welcome to the Ghana Project/Key of Hope Ministries!

  1. Good Luck! I hope you get more than you can use!

  2. Hello, I was wondering if you’re still working on the Ghana project and if I can be a part of it?


  3. Sharon

    I am also ready to start making & mailing squares, so I have the same question as Grace. Also, your blog says to email you a “heads up” when a pagkage is going out to you, but I did not see your email address anywhere? I would love to help and look foward to your response. Thanks

  4. okay, so three things for ya:
    1. i love me some mama t! she’s even cooler (and fiestier) in person! (after sharing another email, it was determined that “Mama T.” is Mother Theresa, whose quote I used at the end of the blog)

    2. i’m writing about your charity on my warmwithlove.com site today, so hopefully that’ll get you some more squares!

    3. i’ll be making you some squares and sending them out at the end of the week …. hopefully i’ll have a big box, but even if i just have three or four, it’ll help.

  5. Andrea Pitcher

    I am a missionary living in the Czech REpublic and I have a heart for the suffering world. What joy to hear the love of Christ poured out in medical care, security blankets, and love.

    Are you still accepting squres? I would love to knit and send you some.
    Andrea Pitcher

  6. Seashellpurl

    Hello again,
    I am wondering the same thing as some of the other responses here…..is there a date for mailing these to you…..this is now September and just wondering if things are still happening for the project and when we can send them to you? I did have this on my list of things to do and have still been mentioning and recommending your project to knitters and groups.
    Please let me know…… thanks!

  7. Hi!
    I’m sending you about a half dozen squares that were knit by the members of the St. Joseph’s Knitting Ministry, Easton, PA. Hope they can bring some comfort to others!

  8. Lorretta

    I was wondering if there is a simple pattern that i can knit some of the blocks for you cause i am a beginner in knitting & i only know how to do the simple stitches that is easy for me. If you can let me know i would really like it.Also how many stitches do you put on your needle.


  9. Hi!
    Well, I finally packed up about 8 squares from our Knitting Ministry and they are on their way to you! Sorry for the wait!

  10. hey there. tossing you a “heads up” that i’m (finally!) sending you out a bunch of squares. i’m sending them priority, so look for them in the next four or five days.

  11. I work in Ghana during the summers, so if you need someone to take some afghans, I’d be glad to take some in my luggage. I don’t know if you have to send them via post, but I know from sending things to the school that I work for that the price of shipping AND the price of paying off customs officials to get the package from the post office can be absolutely insane.

    My mom and I will probably be sending you some squares for the project too!

  12. elizabeth a airhart

    hi i will be mailing out a a small pkg
    this week and hope to send others
    as your project continues to have needs
    thank you

  13. Pamela Horton

    Dear Grammie Pammie,
    I was pleased to find your project on Warm with Love site. I will soon be sending a box of 25 -30 squares that put to use lots of scrappy ends. I was very glad to find a worth while cause to support.
    I appreciate your dedication in creating afghans from squares.
    Another yarnie Pam

  14. debi peterson

    I am so happy to have found this ministry. I am hard at work on my first 30 to send to you. I have one quick question: the written instructions for the “farrow rib” stitch, and the “honeycomb” stitch are the same. Is there something I’m not understanding? Also, I live in a very small town and don’t have many resources. Can you tell me or describe to me how to knit in the “row below”. It looks like a pretty pattern on paper, but not on my needles~!! Thanks and God bless-debi

  15. My mother who lives in Florida has around 40 croched squares, that she is sending you tomorrow. I gave her the address and it will be mailed to you on May 2, 2008. I hope you can use them, as they are being sent with love.

    Thank you, Janis

  16. debi peterson

    Hi there! Just a quick note to make sure that what I’m knitting will work within the bounds of your needs–due to an illness that impacts my ability to grasp smaller needles, I’ve knit my squares on size thirteen needles, using double strand acrylic yarn. As long as I provide 30 done this way (enough for one afghan), adjusted the patterns to accomodate the needle and yarn size, will these be acceptable? I should have asked before I knit 20 squares! Also, there are so many dishcloth patterns available on the internet. Again, as long as I did enough for a complete afghan, could you use the 9″x9″ squares that most dishcloth patterns are? I am loving doing this, and will be happy to adjust if necessary, but please let me know. Thanks and God Bless you and this ministry.

  17. I am so glad that I heard of this project. May God bless all the doctors, nurses and others who donate their expertise and time to helping these little ones.

    I’ve been praying to God to show me how HE wants me to use this talent He has given me. I posted a message today on another group I belong to, and I received information on your project.

    I’m so happy to be able to help you!!


  18. Darlene

    I am very interested in your project. I have a lot of squares – do you prefer squares or assembled afghans?
    I was wondering if you could send me an address to UPS package I think UPS is less expensive than postal mail what do you think???
    Thank you for your dedication to these children what a wonderful ministry.

  19. debi peterson

    Hi Pam–well I’m sending my first box. Should get to the Post office this afternoon. They are coming from the mountains of Washington state so the may take an extra day or two!


  20. Hi Pam!!

    I have about 12 squares finished, and I’ll be mailing them out tomorrow. I was going to wait until I had 30 completed, but I think I’ll just go ahead and mail these on ahead.

    Also, I have a friend who does not knit but does crochet. Do you have any particular crochet patterns that should be used or could she use any as long as they are 7″ x 7″?

    I’m going to be trying to involve my church in this project also? When will your next trip be after the
    June trip?

    Thanks for all your hard work in this project.


  21. gloria piatt

    Pam, My name is Gloria Piatt and I live in Newport News, Va. My church has a few members from Ghana and we ladies would like to help make blankets for the children. When does the next team leave for ghana? How many blankets can we send? What is a current address that we may use to send the blankets? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. I have a heart for missionsand a helps ministry mindset. Thank-You, Gloria

  22. gloria piatt

    Pam, This just a heads-up to let you know I will be sending out a box tomorrow, Oct.6, filled with squares. These squares were made in love and have been anointed with oil and prayed over. Thank you so much for the work you do. Gloria

  23. Valerie

    Hi! My mom, grandma, and I have been working on these squares for quite a while and we just sent them off a couple days ago so you should be getting them soon! Thank you so much for doing this. This is an absolutely wonderful and beautiful idea!

  24. pam

    So you prefer to not have the blankets finished, just squares shipped to you? I make sweaters for Guideposts Knit for Kids and I have LOTS of yarn left overs—this will be great if it’s still ongoing.

  25. i’ll be sending out a big box of squares to you by the end of the week. some of them don’t have tails on them, however, so i’ll also include some scrap yarn to help in sewing them together.

  26. That’s wonderful. You’re right, we can all do something for HIS kingdom, and I know each afghan you put together is truly loved by each one of HIS kingdom that receives it. GOD bless you!

  27. Lori


    I think this is wonderful and have been looking for a group to contribute squares to 🙂 I have one ready to go and I have some yarn to send your way. I am going to hold off until I have a few more squares. I will let you know when I have shipped the items.

    Warm Regards

  28. shirley duncan


  29. Heather Hoekstra

    I would love to be involved, I’ve been looking for a way to help someone in need with my knitting. Please let me know if this is ongoing.

  30. pam

    I have a batch of squares that I will be mailing on Monday the 20th….I hope they’re okay…my mom gave me a 39 gallon bag of yarn…not sure it feels good but it was free…I pray it’s okay. AND…I’m a fairly new knitter….so hope the sizes of the squares came out okay. Cool thing you’re doing…thanks…I love to knit for charities.

  31. just wanted to let you know i’m priority mailing out a box of squares to you today!

  32. Joanne

    Are you still accepting squares? I have 24 ready but not sure you are still doing this project.

  33. Hi I just came across your website through the Yahoo KAL group on dishcloths. It is great work you are doing! I wonder if you would consider making any afghans for the village of Chepkerbet in Kenya. I’ve love to hear from you.

  34. Julie

    Wondering if you still need crochet squares? I would be willing to help if this project is still going on. Thank you for your reply.

    • Hello, Julie!
      Yes, I’m still receiving knit or crocheted squares. The project will continue as long as I have strength and stamina to continue it AND the help of all the lovely people who knit or crochet squares for the project. Thank you for your willingness to help in this project! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me here and I’ll try to respond as soon as possible.

  35. Laine Marshall

    Are you accepting squares at this time? My local Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association is considering your charity for our international project, but I saw the post from 12/10 asking that no more squares be sent at this time. Please let me know if this has changed. Thank you!

    • As much as I would like to say I’ve finally ‘caught up’ with all the donated squares, that would not be true. Thank you for your interest in my project – hopefully you can find another international project that will be able to accept your generous donations.

  36. Siobhan

    Do you know of anyone else who accepts 7″ squares? Unfortunately for me, I knit up a shoebox full last fall, and then the next time I looked at your website you had posted that you couldn’t accept any more right now. Since then, I’ve been knitting a larger size for a different charity, but I having been able to find anyone else who wants squares of the size I’ve already made. I’m moving in a couple of months, and this shoebox of squares has got to get out of my hands before then. Please let me know of any suggestions you might have. Thanks!

  37. Pam,

    Do you have any idea when you’ll be accepting squares again? I thought I would work on some and wait until you are ready..

    Or do you need help putting the squares together? I could do this also…

    Just let me know!!


    • Hi, Beth!
      Thank you for your inquery but, no, at this time I do not have any idea when I’ll be able to take more squares. Yes, it is partly because I’m the only one sewing them together (and thank you for asking on that, too). The cost of mailing an ‘afghan’s worth’ of squares to you and then back again would be too cost prohibitive. I’m trying to step up the pace of my sewing and hoping that soon I’ll be able to change the page to say I’m taking squares again.
      Thank you, again, for your asking!

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